ACYTE has partnered with Xell to combine fast stable cell line generation with highly efficient medium and feed solutions, tailored for the developed cells.
XYTE medium and feed were developed to specifically support growth and production of AXYTE cell lines. Using several exemplary production clones, medium and feed were step-wise optimized to achieve superior performance in batch and fed-batch processes.
Features of AXYTE medium and feed:
Batch (B) culture performance with maximum cell density (left) and maximum product titer (right) of two exemplary production clones in commercially available reference medium (Comm. Ref.) and AXYTE medium. Performance in fed-batch (FB) process with AXYTE medium and feed is shown as well.
The AXYTE cell line provides an accelerate pathway to the clinic. The pathway offers further savings in time to market with a shortened timeline for cell line development, The use os a rational selection strategy in semi solid phase growth allows for true clonal isolation from the start.
AXYTE cells + medium utilizes a process that harnesses CHO plasticity. This leads to easier selection of clones with favorable quality attributes.
AXYTE cells + medium offers an opportunity to design an enhanced expressing cell line that meets your needs.
AXYTE cells + medium offers a solution for defining monoclonality. Semi-solid phase tracking of the clones during the selection phase will assist with regulatory compliance.
AXYTE clonal cell lines expressing mAbs and antibody related products (including Fc-fusion proteins) achieve superior expression levels. (Note: Product concentrations were determined through a standard batch process under chemically defined conditions.)
AXYTE clonal cell lines offer greater diversity during key stages of the clonal isolation process and process development. This leads to more robust and high performing clones.